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What campaign date should I choose?

Help deciding what campaign start date to select.

Steve Kim avatar
Written by Steve Kim
Updated over 6 months ago

Background Information Regarding Campaign Start Dates

During the campaign setup, you will have the option to pick your campaign start date. These are the options available:

  • Priority Launch: Launches your campaign within 24 hours

  • Default Launch: Your campaign will go live on the next available date

  • Pick a Launch Date: You can choose a future date for your campaign to go live

Note: Each genre has a certain number of campaigns it can run per date before it reaches capacity, which is why dates may become unavailable.

Strategy for Picking Your Date

Your song will be sent to the targeted playlist curators for review at 9:30 AM PST on your campaign's start date. Curators can start adding your song to their playlists on day one and will have until day 14, the last day of your two-week campaign, to review and decide whether they want to add it.

After your song is added, curators can choose to leave it on for as short or as long as they wish. This means you should select a campaign start date that aligns with the time you want to promote your music.

Does My Song Need to Be Released Before the Campaign?

No, your song doesn't have to be live on Spotify to run a campaign. You can schedule your campaign to start as early as two weeks before the song's release.

Please read the articles below for more details on setting your Spotify track and scheduling your campaign.

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